Civilization revolution pc
Civilization revolution pc

I had lots of fun for the first few games, but then I was plagued by a growing need for larger and more diverse maps, more civilizations and city-states, more diplomatic options, more… well, more of everything, really. But why couldn’t they have included options that add depth for those who want it? It’s great that 2K made the game even more accessible for new players and so easy to play on a mobile device.

civilization revolution pc

This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Ranged units are kind of pointless, since you need to be right up against a city to use them anyway. The upshot is that you can send massive armies in all at once to crush a city (assuming they aren’t of the useless cannon-fodder variety mentioned above) rather than being forced to plan ahead. This was likely a necessary move, since the developers opted for square tiles rather than Civilization V ‘s hexes, which means fewer units can surround a city. Interestingly, though, you can now stack units – and even upgrade them by joining three of the same type.

civilization revolution pc

That means they basically become useless after a certain point in the game, good for little more than playing the grim role of cannon fodder to make enemies waste a turn while laying siege to one of your cities. You can’t retire military units or upgrade them to their modern counterparts (like, say, converting a battalion of Renaissance-era riflemen into modern military).

Civilization revolution pc